Don’t misunderstand me. I am a huge #JaneAusten fan and in many ways I believe she was ahead of her time. In spite of her popularity and movie success, if you compare the quality of her writing to what is required of writers today, she would not be published in today’s market. In fact, her manuscripts would be allocated to the slush piles until the dreaded rejection letter arrived in her email box.
Getting noticed and published by a traditional publisher has always been hard for new authors–and each year it seems to get harder. There are so many industry standards and writing rules that authors must write by until they have the sales to back them up and they can break those rules. Below are a few set of rules we must follow today that doesn’t seem to appear to be part of the Regency time period.
Show, Don’t Tell
The carriages were then ordered; Willoughby’s was first, and Marianne never looked happier than when she got into it. He drove through the park very fast, and they were soon out of sight; and nothing more of them was seen till their return, which did not happen till after the return of all the rest.
Here is an example of how it could have been written to show rather than tell.
The servants brought the carriages around, leading with Willoughby’s shiny black curricle. He extended his hand to Marianne. She beamed with excitement as her smile reached each glowing cheek. Accepting his assistance, she glanced up at Willoughby with trusting eyes full of adoration. He climbed in beside her and snapped the reins. The horses launched into a canter and the curricle rolled down the lane leaving a cloud of dust trailing behind them. Marianne laughed in delight and gripped her hat to keep it from blowing away.
Cut Unnecessary Words
While Jane Austen’s writing style is of another time in our history when people generally talked different, the way she phrased her sentences is often too wordy. Today’s readers would never tolerate such wordiness from a new writer, and therefore, neither would today’s publishers. Below is another example from Sense & Sensibility.
The sudden termination of Colonel Brandon’s visit at the park, with his steadiness in concealing its cause, filled the mind, and raised the wonder of Mrs. Jennings for two or three days; she was a great wonderer, as every one must be who takes a lively interest in all the comings and goings of all their acquaintance.
It could have been simply stated: For several days, Mrs. Jennings continued to wonder about the reason behind Colonel Brandon’s sudden departure.
No Head Hopping
The chapters often begin in an omniscient POV, giving a general description of the scene and the feelings and viewpoint of each character. At various times the scenes will swap between Elinor and Marianne’s point of view, and on occasion, even their mother within the same scene. Writers today are not allowed to head-hop, which is switching from one character’s POV within the same scene without a transition, scene or a chapter break.
Be Consistent
This may have only been an editing mistake, but there are times when the girls’ mother is referred to as Mamma and as Mama. The spelling variations are not always consistent. Writer’s today are taught the rule of consistency. If we choose to spell something one way, stay with it throughout the story. For example if you start out spelling inquiry, you cannot later use the spelling of enquiry.
I have only listed a few cardinal writing rules, but these few are enough to cause a new writer of today to be rejected by most publishers. Jane Austen would not be published by today’s standards without further editing. Because her work is well-known and considered a classic, today’s readers still buy and read her work. She still sells more than most midlist authors of today.